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a deed

inviolability of the physical art-space and continuously similar exhibitions bring commonality, boredom, and un-noticeability. art-space is authoritarian, because in it arrangement and architecture of art-objects are prohibited to be outside the predetermined order. it is the space which decides how to move, when and where to go, which side to look, what to see. for example, if we compare an exhibition hall with a supermarket we can notice similarities. you move along controlled and predetermined routs and perform presumed and planned series of acts.

in institutional space, you are forces to look at the art-object, get into dialogue with issues raised by it, you are forced to walk along a specific direction, get in dialogue and discussion with persons who are at the space at any specific moment. the physical existence of the exhibition hall disturbs or interferes with the dialogue between you and the work of art.

what should the art organization do in this case? either has to stop being an agent, or has to break his own rules and destroy the space.

Mariam Aleksanyan text for ACCEA 21st annual festival of alternative art Place/Alternative/What for?



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